.. | |
AllApi | |
AlphaColor | Color (alpha included) stored as integer. Can be decomposed to Color/Int (RGB) + Float (A) and constructed from Color/Int (RGB) + Float (A). |
AntialiasedTriangle | A variant of |
App |
AppXUpdatesHandler | |
Arc | Convenience mesh subclass to draw arc, pie, ring or disc geometry |
ArcadeSortGroupBottomTop | ArcadeSortGroupBottomTop provides a stable implementation of merge sort through its |
ArcadeSortGroupLeftRight | ArcadeSortGroupLeftRight provides a stable implementation of merge sort through its |
ArcadeSortGroupRightLeft | ArcadeSortGroupLeftRight provides a stable implementation of merge sort through its |
ArcadeSortGroupTopBottom | ArcadeSortGroupTopBottom provides a stable implementation of merge sort through its |
ArcadeSystem | |
ArcadeWorld | |
ArrayPool | |
AsepriteJson | |
AsepriteJsonFrame | |
AsepriteJsonFrameTag | |
AsepriteJsonFrameTagDirection | |
AsepriteJsonLayer | |
AsepriteJsonMeta | |
AsepriteJsonParser | Utility class to parse sprite sheet json data (aseprite json format, but could be exported by another software) |
AsepriteJsonRect | |
AsepriteJsonSize | |
AsepriteJsonSlice | |
Assert | |
Asset | |
AssetId | |
AssetOptions | |
AssetPathInfo | Information extracted from a raw asset path |
AssetStatus | |
Assets | |
AssetsLoadMethod | |
AssetsScheduleMethod | |
AtlasAsset | |
Audio | |
AudioMixer | |
AutoCollections | |
AutoTile | |
AutoTileKind | Specifies which kind of auto tiling to use with |
AutoTiler | |
BackgroundQueue | An utility to enqueue functions and execute them in bbackground, in a serialized way, meaning it is garanteed that no function in this queue will be run in parallel. An enqueued function will always be started after every previous function has finished executing. |
BezierEasing | Bezier curve easing, ported from https://github.com/gre/bezier-easing then extended to work with both cubic and quadratic settings |
BinaryAsset | |
BindSlotOptions | |
BitmapFont | |
BitmapFontCharacter | |
BitmapFontData | |
BitmapFontDataPage | |
BitmapFontDistanceFieldData | |
BitmapFontParser | |
Blending | |
Border | A rectangle visual that display a border |
BorderPosition | |
Camera | |
ChildrenDepth | Control how children depth is sorted. |
ChokidarWatchedFileStatus | |
Click | |
Closure | |
Collection | |
CollectionEntry | |
CollectionImpl | |
CollectionUtils | |
CollectionView | |
CollectionViewDataSource | |
CollectionViewFlowLayout | |
CollectionViewItemFrame | |
CollectionViewItemPosition | |
CollectionViewItemsBehavior | |
CollectionViewLayout | |
Color | Class representing a color, based on Int. Provides a variety of methods for creating and converting colors. |
ColumnLayout | A layout that arranges its children vertically in a single column.
This class is a |
Component | A Component is and Entity that can be bound to another Entity. Any Entity can be used as a Component, given that it implement Component interface. A Component must be an Entity subclass. |
ComputeFps | |
ConvertArray | |
ConvertComponentMap | |
ConvertField | Interface to convert basic type |
ConvertFont | |
ConvertFragmentData | |
ConvertIntBoolMap | |
ConvertMap | |
ConvertSpineData | |
ConvertSpriteSheet | |
ConvertTexture | |
ConvertTilemapData | |
Csv | Utilities to parse CSV and related |
CustomAssetKind | |
DatabaseAsset | |
DialogsPlugin | |
DoubleClick | |
Easing | |
EasingUtils | |
EditText | |
Either | Useful to limit a Dynamic function argument's type to the specified type parameters. This does NOT make the use of Dynamic type-safe in any way (the underlying type is still Dynamic and Std.isOfType() checks + casts are necessary). |
Entity | |
Enums | |
Equal | |
Errors | |
Extensions | A bunch of static extensions to make life easier. |
FieldInfo | Extract field information from a given class type. This is expected to only work with Entity subclasses marked with @editable, @fieldInfo or @autoFieldInfo or classes using FieldInfoMacro. |
FieldMeta | Utility to get runtime metadata |
FileWatcher | A file watcher for ceramic compatible with |
Files | Filesystem-related utilities. Only work on sys targets and/or nodejs depending on the methods |
Filter | A visuals that displays its children through a filter. A filter draws its children into a |
Flags | |
Float32Array | |
FontAsset | |
Fragment | A fragment is a group of visuals rendered from data (.fragment file) |
FragmentData | |
FragmentItem | |
Fragments | |
FragmentsAsset | |
GamepadAxis | |
GamepadButton | |
GeometryUtils | Geometry-related utilities. |
GifCapture | |
GlyphQuad | |
Group | A group of entities, which is itself an entity. |
HashedString | An utility to encode strings with hashes, allowing to check their validity on decode. |
ImGuiImplJS | |
ImGuiPlugin | |
ImGuiSystem | |
ImageAsset | |
ImageType | |
ImageView | A view to display and layout images. |
ImageViewScaling | |
Immediate | |
InitSettings | Same as Settings, but for app startup (inside Project.new(settings)). Read-only values can still be edited at that stage. |
Input | |
IntBoolMap | A map that uses int as keys and booleans as values. |
IntBoolMapIterator | |
IntBoolMapKeyIterator | |
IntBoolMapKeyValueIterator | |
IntFloatMap | |
IntFloatMapIterator | |
IntFloatMapKeyIterator | |
IntFloatMapKeyValueIterator | |
IntIntMap | |
IntIntMapIterator | |
IntIntMapKeyIterator | |
IntIntMapKeyValueIterator | |
IntMap | An object map that uses integers as key. |
IntMapIterator | |
IntMapKeyIterator | |
IntMapKeyValueIterator | |
Interp | |
Json | |
Key | |
KeyAcceleratorItem | |
KeyBinding | |
KeyBindings | |
KeyCode | |
Layer | Just a regular quad (transparent by default) with a few addition to make it more convenient when used as a layer |
LayersLayout | |
LayoutAlign | |
LayoutDirection | |
LayoutHorizontalAlign | |
LayoutVerticalAlign | |
Lazy | Lazy allows to mark any property as lazy. Lazy properties are initialized only at first access. |
Line | Display lines composed of multiple segments, curves... |
LineCap | |
LineJoin | |
LinearLayout | A layout that arranges its children either horizontally in a single column or vertically in a single row. |
LongPress | |
LowRes | A container to display visuals at low resolution, with the possibility to use antialiasing (supersampling). |
Mesh | Draw anything composed of triangles/vertices. |
MeshColorMapping | |
MeshExtensions | Static extension with additional helpers for |
MeshPool | An utility to reuse meshes at application level. |
MeshUtils | |
MouseButton | A typed (mouse) button id |
NapeSystem | |
Ngon | |
ParticleEmitter | A particle emitter. |
ParticleItem | A particle item.
You should not instanciate this yourself as
it is managed by a |
Particles | |
ParticlesLaunchMode | How particles should be launched. If |
ParticlesStatus | Which status a |
Path | This class provides a convenient way of working with paths. It supports the common path formats: |
PersistentData | |
PixelArt | A filter configured to display pixel art content. Uses a shader to get a nicer rendering of upscaled pixel art. Better than NEAREST or LINEAR texture filtering. (see https://colececil.io/blog/2017/scaling-pixel-art-without-destroying-it/) |
Pixels | Utilities to manipulate RGBA pixels. |
PlatformSpecific | An internal class that encapsulate platform-specific code. We usually want platform-specific code to be located in a backend, but it may happen that sometimes creating a backend interface is overkill. That's where this comes handy. |
Point | |
Pool | A generic object pool utility. |
PremultiplyAlpha | |
Quad | |
ReadOnlyArray |
ReadOnlyMap | |
ReadOnlyPoint | |
Rect | |
RenderPrimitiveType | |
RenderTexture | |
Renderer | An implementation-independant GPU 2D renderer. To be used in pair with a draw backend implementation. |
ReusableArray | A reusable array to use in places that need a temporary array many times. Changing array size only increases the backing array size but never decreases it. |
RowLayout | A layout that arranges its children horizontally in a single row.
This class is a |
Runner | A simple Haxe class for easily running threads and calling functions on the primary thread. from https://github.com/underscorediscovery/ |
RuntimeAssets | Runtime utilities to compute asset lists/names from raw (relative) file list. Code is very similar to AssetsMacro, but for runtime execution, with any list of asset. |
ScanCode | |
Scene | |
SceneStatus | |
SceneSystem | System managing scenes display and lifecycle. Use it to structure your app in different scenes. |
Screen | |
ScreenOrientation | |
ScreenScaling | |
Script | |
ScriptContent | |
ScriptModule | For now, just a way to identify a script module as a type, to resolve fields dynamically from scripts. Might be extended later to link with "script converted to haxe compiled code" |
ScriptUtils | |
ScrollDirection | |
ScrollView | |
Scroller | |
ScrollerStatus | |
SeedRandom | Seeded random number generator to get reproducible sequences of values. |
SelectText | |
Settings | |
Shader | |
ShaderAsset | |
ShaderAttribute | |
Shape | Draw shapes by triangulating vertices automatically, with optional holes in it. |
Shortcuts | Shortcuts adds convenience identifiers to access ceramic app, screen, ...
Use it by adding |
SlotInfo | An object to hold every needed info about updating a slot. |
Slug | |
SlugOptions | |
SortVisuals | SortVisuals provides a stable implementation of merge sort through its |
SortVisualsByDepth | SortVisuals provides a stable implementation of merge sort through its |
Sound | |
SoundAsset | |
SoundPlayer | |
Spine | |
SpineAsset | |
SpineBindVisual | |
SpineBindVisualOptions | |
SpineBounds | |
SpineColors | |
SpineData | |
SpineFile | |
SpineListener | |
SpineMontage | An utility to group an pre-configure spine animations together as a single |
SpineMontageAnimation | |
SpineMontageDefaults | |
SpineMontageSettings | |
SpineMontageSpineSettings | |
SpinePlugin | |
SpineSystem | |
SpineTextureLoader | |
Sprite | |
SpriteAsset | |
SpritePlugin | |
SpriteSheet | |
SpriteSheetAnimation | |
SpriteSheetFrame | |
SpriteSheetParser | An utility to parse sprite sheet data. Will try to auto-detect the type of data it is then use the correct parser for it. |
SpriteSystem | |
State | |
StateMachine | |
StateMachineBase | |
StateMachineComponent | |
StateMachineImpl | |
StateMachineSystem | |
System | A |
Systems | |
Task | |
Tasks | |
Text | A visual to layout and display text. Works with UTF-8 strings. |
TextAlign | |
TextAsset | |
TextInput | |
TextInputDelegate | |
TextView | |
Texture | A texture is an image ready to be drawn. |
TextureAtlas | |
TextureAtlasPacker | |
TextureAtlasPage | |
TextureAtlasParser | |
TextureAtlasRegion | A texture atlas region is part of a texture atlas.
It is also a |
TextureFilter | |
TextureTile | |
TextureTilePacker | Incremental texture tile packer that allows to alloc, release and reuse tiles as needed. |
TextureWrap | |
TileSlope | |
Tilemap | Renders tilemap data. Note: only ORTHOGONAL is supported |
TilemapAsset | |
TilemapData | Tilemap data. Strongly inspired from Tiled TMX format. (https://doc.mapeditor.org/en/stable/reference/tmx-map-format/). |
TilemapEditor | |
TilemapLayer | |
TilemapLayerData | |
TilemapOrientation | |
TilemapParser | |
TilemapPlugin | |
TilemapQuad | |
TilemapRenderOrder | |
TilemapStaggerAxis | |
TilemapStaggerIndex | |
TilemapTile | |
Tileset | |
TilesetGridOrientation | |
TilesetImage | |
Timeline | |
TimelineBoolKeyframe | |
TimelineBoolTrack | |
TimelineColorKeyframe | |
TimelineColorTrack | |
TimelineDegreesTrack | |
TimelineFloatArrayKeyframe | |
TimelineFloatArrayTrack | |
TimelineFloatKeyframe | |
TimelineFloatTrack | |
TimelineKeyframe | |
TimelineKeyframeData | |
TimelineTrack | A track meant to be updated by a timeline. Base implementation doesn't do much by itself. Create subclasses to implement details |
TimelineTrackData | |
Timelines | App-level timeline related events.
You'll only need to track these events if you want to add new types of timeline tracks & keyframes
that can be created from raw data in |
Timer | |
TimerCallback | |
Touch | |
TouchInfo | |
Touches | |
TouchesIterator | |
TrackerBackend | |
Transform | Transform holds matrix data to make 2d rotate, translate, scale and skew transformations. Angles are in degrees. Representation: | a | c | tx | | b | d | ty | | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
TransformPool | An utility to reuse transform matrix object at application level. |
Triangle | A simple colored triangle, to fulfill all your triangle-shaped needs.
The triangle is facing top and fits exactly in |
Triangulate | An utility to triangulate indices from a set of vertices |
TriangulateMethod | |
Tween | |
UInt8Array | |
Utils | Various utilities. Some of them are used by ceramic itself or its backends. |
Value | An object that can hold any value |
ValueEntry | A collection entry that can hold any value |
Velocity | |
View | |
ViewLayoutMask | |
ViewSize | View size helpers |
ViewSystem | |
VisibleBounds | An utility to display visible bounds on any visual |
Visual | Visuals are the building blocks to display things on screen.
A raw visual doesn't display anything but can have children
that can be more specialized visuals like |
VisualArcadePhysics | |
VisualNapePhysics | |
VisualTransition | |
VisualTransitionProperties | |
WatchDirectory |