A texture atlas region is part of a texture atlas. It is also a TextureTile subclass so that it can be assigned to Quad's tile property.


new(name:String, atlas:TextureAtlas, page:Int)


@:value(null)name:String = null

@:value(null)atlas:TextureAtlas = null

@:value(0)page:Int = 0

@:value(0)packedWidth:Int = 0

Width in actual pixels after rotation (if any)

@:value(0)packedHeight:Int = 0

Height in actual pixels after rotation (if any)

@:value(0)x:Int = 0

@:value(0)y:Int = 0

@:value(0)width:Int = 0

@:value(0)height:Int = 0

@:value(0)offsetX:Float = 0

@:value(0)offsetY:Float = 0

@:value(0)originalWidth:Int = 0

Original width, white margins included

@:value(0)originalHeight:Int = 0

Original height, white margins included


Inherited Variables

Defined by TextureTile


When assigning the file to a quad, edge uvs will be adjusted by this inset. Can be useful to set it to values like 0.5 in some situations like preventing atlas regions from displaying bleed from siblings.

Inherited Methods

Defined by TextureTile

inlineframe(frameX:Float, frameY:Float, frameWidth:Float, frameHeight:Float):Void