A collection entry that can hold any value


new(value:T, ?id:String, ?name:String)


Inherited Variables

Defined by CollectionEntry



read onlyindex:Int

A unique index for this collection entry instance. Warning:

this index is in no way predictable and may vary
for each entry between each run of the app!
This is intended to be used as a fast integer-typed runtime identifier,
but do not use this to identify entries when persisting data to disk etc...

Inherited Methods

Defined by CollectionEntry


Set entry fields from given raw data. Takes care of converting types when needed, and possible. It's ok if raw field are strings, like when stored in CSV files. Raw types can be converted to: Bool, Int, Float, Color (Int), String and enum types

setRawField(name:String, rawValue:Dynamic):Bool

Override this method to perform custom deserialisation on a specific field. If the overrided method returns true, default behavior will be skipped for the related field.