
@:value(cast 0)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyNONE:Int = 0

No status. The scene is likely not assigned to anything.

@:value(cast 1)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyPRELOAD:Int = 1

The scene is calling the preload() method. That happens when the scene is added as root scene or is added as a child of another visual.

@:value(cast 2)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyLOAD:Int = 2

The scene is actually loading. Any asset that was added with assets.add() in the preload() method is getting loaded.

@:value(cast 3)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyCREATE:Int = 3

The scene has finished loading and is calling the create() method to fill it with any object, visual needed etc...

@:value(cast 4)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyFADE_IN:Int = 4

The create() method has finished running so the scene is now ready to fade in. Default fade in implementation is instant, but this can be changed by overriding the fadeIn() method.

@:value(cast 5)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyREADY:Int = 5

When fade in has finished, the scene is marked as ready.

@:value(cast 6)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyFADE_OUT:Int = 6

The scene begins to fade out, likely because it was explicitly asked to do so, or is being replaced by another scene.

@:value(cast 7)@:impl@:enuminlineread onlyDISABLED:Int = 7

Happens after fade out. When the scene has this status, it should not be used anymore.