gridOrientationChange(current:TilesetGridOrientation, previous:TilesetGridOrientation):Void
Event when gridOrientation field changes.
slopesChange(current:ReadOnlyArray<TileSlope>, previous:ReadOnlyArray<TileSlope>):Void
Event when slopes field changes.
gridOrientation:TilesetGridOrientation = ORTHOGONAL
Orientation of the grid for the tiles in this tileset. Only used in case of isometric orientation, to determine how tile overlays for terrain an collision information are rendered.
gridCellWidth:Int = 0
Width of a grid cell. Only used in case of isometric orientation, to determine how tile overlays for terrain an collision information are rendered.
gridCellHeight:Int = 0
Height of a grid cell. Only used in case of isometric orientation, to determine how tile overlays for terrain an collision information are rendered.