


@:value(false)drawDefault:Bool = false

Whether the original slot attachment is displayed

@:value(0.0)offsetX:Float = 0.0

Offset x position of target visual

@:value(0.0)offsetY:Float = 0.0

Offset y position of target visual

@:value(true)bindTransform:Bool = true

Whether we apply slot transform on the target visual

@:value(true)bindColor:Bool = true

Whether we apply slot color on the target visual

@:value(true)bindAlpha:Bool = true

Whether we apply slot alpha on the target visual

@:value(true)bindDepth:Bool = true

Whether we apply slot depth on the target visual

@:value(true)bindBlending:Bool = true

Whether we apply slot blending on the target visual

@:value(false)compensateRegionRotation:Bool = false

Whether to compensate region attachment rotation on the target visual

@:value(true)manageActiveProperty:Bool = true

When enabled (default), if the bound slot is not active, set the visual active property to false, set it to true otherwise.

@:value(true)skipIfInvisible:Bool = true

If set to true and if the target visual exists but is not visible, no transform, color or alpha will be applied.

@:value(true)resetTransformOnUnbind:Bool = true

If set to true transform assigned to visual will be set to identity on unbind.

@:value(false)destroyVisualOnUnbind:Bool = false

If set to true bound visual will be destroyed when unboud.

@:value(null)read onlyslotName:String = null

@:value(null)read onlyspine:Spine = null

@:value(null)read onlyspineData:SpineData = null

@:value(null)read onlyvisual:Visual = null

@:value(null)read onlytextVisual:Text = null
