

The kind of autotile. Depending on this, the autotile will use more or less tiles on the source tileset


The main gid of this autotile. This is usually the gid that shows a tile that doesn't have any auto tiling transformation.

@:value(true)bounds:Bool = true

If set to true (default), bounds of the tilemap are considered "filled" with the same tile and will affect how the auto tiling is computed. Set it to false if you don't want your tiles to look "connected" with the map bounds.

@:value(null)tileset:Tileset = null

The tileset holding this autotile. Required when using TILESETTER_BLOB_47 kind.

@:value(-1)read onlycolumn:Int = -1

Column in the tileset matching the main gid of this autotile. Available when a tileset option is provided.

@:value(-1)read onlyrow:Int = -1

Row in the tileset matching the main gid of this autotile. Available when a tileset option is provided.



Will compute additional values like row and column from the existing data. Automatically called by AutoTiler.