.. | |
audio | |
base | |
buffers | |
native | |
soloud | |
web | |
AppEventType | |
ArrayPool | |
Assets | |
Audio | |
BackgroundQueue | An utility to enqueue functions and execute them in bbackground, in a serialized way, meaning it is garanteed that no function in this queue will be run in parallel. An enqueued function will always be started after every previous function has finished executing. |
BlendMode | |
Clay | Clay app |
Config | |
Events | |
Extensions | A bunch of static extensions to make life easier. |
FileHandle | |
FileSeek | |
GamepadDeviceEventType | A gamepad device event type |
GpuShader | |
IO | |
Image | |
Immediate | |
Input | |
IntMap | |
KeyCode | |
Log | |
Macros | |
ModState | Input modifier state |
OpenGLProfile | A type of OpenGL context profile to request. see RenderConfigOpenGL for info |
PremultiplyAlpha | |
RenderConfig | Config specific to the rendering context that would be used when creating windows |
RenderConfigOpenGL | Config specific to an OpenGL rendering context. Note that these are hints to the system, you must always check the values after initializing for what you actually received. The OS/driver decides. |
RenderConfigWebGL | Config specific to a WebGL rendering context. See: |
RenderTarget | |
Resource | |
Runner | A simple Haxe class for easily running threads and calling functions on the primary thread. from |
Runtime | |
RuntimeConfig | |
ScanCode | |
TextEventType | A text specific event event type |
TextureDataType | |
TextureFilter | |
TextureFormat | |
TextureId | |
TextureType | |
TextureWrap | |
Utils | |
WindowConfig | Window configuration information for creating windows |
WindowEventType |