Config specific to the rendering context that would be used when creating windows


@:value(0)depth:Int = 0

Request the number of depth bits for the rendering context. A value of 0 will not request a depth buffer. default: 0

@:value(0)stencil:Int = 0

Request the number of stencil bits for the rendering context. A value of 0 will not request a stencil buffer. default: 0

@:value(0)antialiasing:Int = 0

A value of 0, 2, 4, 8 or other valid system value. On WebGL contexts this value is true or false, bigger than 0 being true. On native contexts this value sets the MSAA typically. default webgl: 1 (enabled) default: 0

@:value(8)redBits:Int = 8

Request a specific number of red bits for the rendering context. Unless you need to change this, don't. default: 8

@:value(8)greenBits:Int = 8

Request a specific number of green bits for the rendering context. Unless you need to change this, don't. default: 8

@:value(8)blueBits:Int = 8

Request a specific number of blue bits for the rendering context. Unless you need to change this, don't. default: 8

@:value(8)alphaBits:Int = 8

Request a specific number of alpha bits for the rendering context. Unless you need to change this, don't. default: 8

@:value({ r : 0, g : 0, b : 0, a : 1 })defaultClear:Color = { r : 0, g : 0, b : 0, a : 1 }

A color value that when creating the window, the window backbuffer will be cleared to. A framework above clay can also use this for default clear color if desired. The values are specified as 0..1. default: black, 0,0,0,1

@:value(null)webgl:RenderConfigWebGL = null

Available on clay web

WebGL render context specific settings

@:value(null)opengl:RenderConfigOpenGL = null

Available on clay native

OpenGL render context specific settings