
@:dox(show)observedDirty(instance:Scrollbar, fromSerializedField:Bool):Void

Event when any observable value as changed on this instance.

@:dox(show)themeChange(current:Theme, previous:Theme):Void

Event when theme field changes.

@:dox(show)hoverChange(current:Bool, previous:Bool):Void

Event when hover field changes.

@:dox(show)pressedChange(current:Bool, previous:Bool):Void

Event when pressed field changes.




@:value(false)observedDirty:Bool = false

Default is false, automatically set to true when any of this instance's observable variables has changed.

@:value(null)@observetheme:Theme = null


inset(insetTop:Float, insetRight:Float, insetBottom:Float, insetLeft:Float):Void

Inherited Events

Defined by Visual


Fired when a pointer (touch or mouse) is down on the visual



The info related to this pointer event


Fired when a pointer (touch or mouse) was down on the visual and is not anymore



The info related to this pointer event


Fired when a pointer (touch or mouse) is over the visual



The info related to this pointer event


Fired when a pointer (touch or mouse) was over the visual and is not anymore



The info related to this pointer event


Fired when this visual gains focus (after handling a pointer event)


Fired when this visual loses focus

@:dox(show)collide(visual1:Visual, visual2:Visual):Void

Available with arcade plugin

Dispatched when this visual body collides with another visual's body.



This visual


The other colliding visual

@:dox(show)overlap(visual1:Visual, visual2:Visual):Void

Available with arcade plugin

Dispatched when this visual body overlaps with another visual's body.



This visual


The other overlapping visual

@:dox(show)collideBody(visual:Visual, body:Body):Void

Available with arcade plugin

Dispatched when this visual body collides with another body.



This visual


The other colliding body

@:dox(show)overlapBody(visual:Visual, body:Body):Void

Available with arcade plugin

Dispatched when this visual body overlaps with another body.



The visual


The other overlapping body

@:dox(show)worldBounds(visual:Visual, up:Bool, down:Bool, left:Bool, right:Bool):Void

Available with arcade plugin

Dispatched when this visual body collides with the world bounds.



This visual


true if visual collides up with bounds


true if visual collides down with bounds


true if visual collides left with bounds


true if visual collides right with bounds



Inherited Variables

Defined by Visual

@:value(null)arcade:VisualArcadePhysics = null

Available with arcade plugin

The arcade physics body bound to this visual.

read onlybody:Body

Available with arcade plugin

The arcade physics body linked to this visual


Available with arcade plugin

Allow this visual to be rotated by arcade physics, via angularVelocity, etc...


Available with arcade plugin

An immovable visual will not receive any impacts from other visual bodies. Two immovable visuas can't separate or exchange momentum and will pass through each other.


Available with arcade plugin

If set to true, arcade world will always separate on the X axis before Y when this body is involved. Otherwise it will check gravity totals first.


Available with arcade plugin

The x velocity, or rate of change the visual position. Measured in points per second.


Available with arcade plugin

The y velocity, or rate of change the visual position. Measured in points per second.


Available with arcade plugin

The maximum x velocity that the visual can reach.


Available with arcade plugin

The maximum y velocity that the visual can reach.


Available with arcade plugin

The x acceleration is the rate of change of the x velocity. Measured in points per second squared.


Available with arcade plugin

The y acceleration is the rate of change of the y velocity. Measured in points per second squared.


Available with arcade plugin

Allow this visual to be influenced by drag


Available with arcade plugin

The x drag is the rate of reduction of the x velocity, kind of deceleration. Measured in points per second squared.


Available with arcade plugin

The y drag is the rate of reduction of the y velocity, kind of deceleration. Measured in points per second squared.


Available with arcade plugin

The x elasticity of the visual when colliding. bounceX = 1 means full rebound, bounceX = 0.5 means 50% rebound velocity.


Available with arcade plugin

The y elasticity of the visual when colliding. bounceY = 1 means full rebound, bounceY = 0.5 means 50% rebound velocity.


Available with arcade plugin

Enable or disable world bounds specific bounce value with worldBounceX and worldBounceY. Disabled by default, meaning bounceX and bounceY are used by default.


Available with arcade plugin

The x elasticity of the visual when colliding with world bounds. Ignored if useWorldBounce is false (bounceX used instead).


Available with arcade plugin

The y elasticity of the visual when colliding with world bounds. Ignored if useWorldBounce is false (bounceY used instead).


Available with arcade plugin

The maximum x delta per frame. 0 (default) means no maximum delta.


Available with arcade plugin

The maximum y delta per frame. 0 (default) means no maximum delta.


Available with arcade plugin

Allow this visual to be influenced by gravity, either world or local.


Available with arcade plugin

This visual's local y gravity, added to any world gravity, unless allowGravity is set to false.


Available with arcade plugin

This visual's local x gravity, added to any world gravity, unless allowGravity is set to false.


Available with arcade plugin

If this visual is immovable and moving, and another visual body is 'riding' this one, this is the amount of motion the riding body receives on x axis.


Available with arcade plugin

If this visual is immovable and moving, and another visual body is 'riding' this one, this is the amount of motion the riding body receives on y axis.


Available with arcade plugin

The angular velocity is the rate of change of the visual's rotation. It is measured in degrees per second.


Available with arcade plugin

The maximum angular velocity in degrees per second that the visual can reach.


Available with arcade plugin

The angular acceleration is the rate of change of the angular velocity. Measured in degrees per second squared.


Available with arcade plugin

The angular drag is the rate of reduction of the angular velocity. Measured in degrees per second squared.


Available with arcade plugin

The mass of the visual's body. When two bodies collide their mass is used in the calculation to determine the exchange of velocity.

read onlyspeed:Float

Available with arcade plugin

The speed of the visual's body (read only). Equal to the magnitude of the velocity.


Available with arcade plugin

Whether the physics system should update the visual's position and rotation based on its velocity, acceleration, drag, and gravity.

read onlyoverlapX:Float

Available with arcade plugin

When this visual's body collides with another, the amount of overlap (x axis) is stored here.

read onlyoverlapY:Float

Available with arcade plugin

When this visual's body collides with another, the amount of overlap (y axis) is stored here.

read onlyembedded:Bool

Available with arcade plugin

If a visual's body is overlapping with another body, but neither of them are moving (maybe they spawned on-top of each other?) this is set to true.

read onlycollideWorldBounds:Bool

Available with arcade plugin

A visual body can be set to collide against the world bounds automatically and rebound back into the world if this is set to true. Otherwise it will leave the world.

@:value(null)asQuad:Quad = null

Get this visual typed as Quad or null if it isn't a Quad

@:value(null)asMesh:Mesh = null

Get this visual typed as Mesh or null if it isn't a Mesh

@:value(false)multiTouch:Bool = false

When enabled, this visual will receive as many up/down/click/over/out events as there are fingers or mouse pointer interacting with it. Default is false, ensuring there is never multiple up/down/click/over/out that overlap each other. In that case, it triggers pointer down when the first finger/pointer hits the visual and trigger pointer up when the last finger/pointer stops touching it. Behavior is similar for pointer over and pointer out events.

read onlyisPointerDown:Bool

Whether this visual is between a pointer down and an pointer up event or not.

read onlyisPointerOver:Bool

Whether this visual is between a pointer over and an pointer out event or not.

@:value(null)clip:Visual = null

Use the given visual's bounds as clipping area for itself and every children. Clipping areas cannot be combined. That means if clip is not null and current visual instance is already clipped by a parent visual, its children's won't be clipped by it anymore as they are instead clipped by this clip property instead.

@:value(false)inheritAlpha:Bool = false

Whether this visual should inherit its parent alpha value or not. If it inherits, parent alpha value will be multiplied with current visual's own alpha property.

@:value(true)translatesOnly:Bool = true

Computed flag that tells whether this visual is only translated, thus not rotated, skewed nor scaled. When this is true, matrix computation may be a bit faster as it will skip some unneeded matrix computation.

@:value(false)translatesOnlyDirty:Bool = false

Whether we should re-check if this visual is only translating or having a more complex transform

@:value(true)contentDirty:Bool = true

Setting this to true will force the visual to recompute its displayed content

@:value(true)matrixDirty:Bool = true

Setting this to true will force the visual's matrix to be re-computed

@:value(true)renderTargetDirty:Bool = true

Setting this to true will force the visual's computed render target to be re-computed

@:value(true)visibilityDirty:Bool = true

Setting this to true will force the visual to compute it's visility in hierarchy

@:value(true)touchableDirty:Bool = true

Setting this to true will force the visual to compute it's touchability in hierarchy

@:value(true)clipDirty:Bool = true

Setting this to true will force the visual to compute it's clipping state in hierarchy

@:value(null)renderTarget:RenderTexture = null

If set, the visual will be rendered into this target RenderTexture instance instead of being drawn onto screen directly.

@:value(Blending.AUTO)blending:Blending = Blending.AUTO

@:value(true)@editable({ group : "active" })visible:Bool = true

Set to false to make this visual (and all of its children) invisible and not rendered.

@:value(true)@editable({ group : "active" })touchable:Bool = true

Set to false to make this visual (and all of its children) not touchable

@:value(0)@editable({ group : "depth" })depth:Float = 0

Set this visual's depth. Visuals are rendered from back to front of the screen. Given two visuals, a visual with higher depth will be rendered above a visual with lower depth. In practice, it is advised to use integer values like 1, 2, 3... to order your visuals, like you would do with z-index on CSS elements.

@:value(1)@editable({ group : "depth", label : "Range" })depthRange:Float = 1

If set to 1 (default), children will be sort by depth and their computed depth will be within range [parent.depth, parent.depth + depthRange]. You'll usually won't need to change this value, unless you want to do advanced drawing where different hierarchies of visuals are blending with each other.

// Children computed depths will be relative to their parent visual depth.
// This is the default value and recommended approach in most situations as
// its behaviour is similar to display trees, z-index etc...
visual.depthRange = 1;

// More advanced, two visuals: visual2 above visual1 because of higher depth, but
// visual1's depth range is `8`, so its children computed depths will be distributed
// between `1` and `1 + 8` (9 excluded). That means some of visual1's children
// can be above visual2's children. Can be useful on some specific edge cases,
// but not recommended in general.
visual1.depthRange = 8;
visual1.depth = 1;
visual2.depth = 2;

// Another case: two visuals with the same depth and depthRange.
// There children will share the same computed depth space, so a child of visual1 at `depth = 6`
// will be above a child of visual2 at `depth = 4`.
// Resulting computed depths will be between `1` and `1 + 16` (17 excluded).
visual1.depthRange = 16
visual2.depthRange = 16
visual1.depth = 1;
visual2.depth = 1;

// Children computed depths won't be relative to their parent visual depth.
// Instead, it will be relative to the higher parent (of the parent) in hierarchy that has a positive `depthRange` value,
visual.depthRange = -1;

@:value(0)@editable({ group : "position" })x:Float = 0

The x position of this visual. Relative to its parent, or screen if this visual has no parent.

@:value(0)@editable({ group : "position" })y:Float = 0

The y position of this visual. Relative to its parent, or screen if this visual has no parent.

@:value(1)@editable({ group : "scale" })scaleX:Float = 1

The scaleX value of this visual.

@:value(1)@editable({ group : "scale" })scaleY:Float = 1

The scaleY value of this visual.

@:value(0)@editable({ group : "skew" })skewX:Float = 0

The skewX value of this visual.

@:value(0)@editable({ group : "skew" })skewY:Float = 0

The skewY value of this visual.

@:value(0)@editable({ group : "anchor" })anchorX:Float = 0

The anchorX value of this visual. Affects how position, scale, rotation and skew of the visual are rendered. Default is 0, which means: anchor relative to the left of the visual. Use 1 to make it relative to the right of the visual, or 0.5 to make it relative to the horizontal center of the visual.

@:value(0)@editable({ group : "anchor" })anchorY:Float = 0

The anchorY value of this visual. Affects how position, scale, rotation and skew of the visual are rendered. Default is 0, which means: anchor relative to the top of the visual. Use 1 to make it relative to the bottom of the visual, or 0.5 to make it relative to the vertical center of the visual.

@editable({ min : 0, group : "size" })width:Float

The width of the visual. Default is 0. Can be set to an explicit value. Some subclasses of Visual are computing it automatically like Text from its textual content or Quad when a texture is assigned to it.

@editable({ min : 0, group : "size" })height:Float

The height of the visual. Default is 0. Can be set to an explicit value. Some subclasses of Visual are computing it automatically like Text from its textual content or Quad when a texture is assigned to it.

@:value(-1)@editableroundTranslation:Int = -1

If set to a value above zero, matrix translation (tx & ty) will be rounded.

roundTranslation = 0; // No rounding (default)
roundTranslation = 1; // Pixel perfect rounding
roundTranslation = 2; // Half-pixel rounding

May be useful to render pixel perfect scenes onto ceramic.Filter.

@:value(0)@editable({ slider : [0, 360], degrees : true })rotation:Float = 0

Rotation of the visual in degrees. The center of the rotation depends on anchorX and anchorY.

@:value(1)@editable({ slider : [0, 1] })alpha:Float = 1

Alpha of the visual. Must be a value between 0 (transparent) and 1 (fully opaque)

@editable({ group : "translate" })translateX:Float

Visual X translation. This is a shorthand equivalent to assigning a Transform object to the visual with a tx value of translateX. Only recommended for advanced usage as x property should be used in general instead.

@editable({ group : "translate" })translateY:Float

Visual Y translation. This is a shorthand equivalent to assigning a Transform object to the visual with a ty value of translateY. Only recommended for advanced usage as y property should be used in general instead.

@:value(null)transform:Transform = null

Set additional matrix-based transform to this visual. Default is null. A Transform object will affect of the visual is rendered. The transform is applied after visual's properties (position, rotation, scale, skew).

@:value(null)@editableshader:Shader = null

Assign a shader to this visual. When none is assigned, default shader will be used.


Whether this visual is active. Default is true. When setting it to false, the visual won't be visible nor touchable anymore (these get set to false). When restoring active to true, visible and touchable will also get back their previous state. If you want to keep a visual around without it being displayed or interactive, simply set its active property to false. It will be almost like it doesn't exist and its impact on rendering will be minimal.

@:value(true)read onlycomputedVisible:Bool = true

Computed visible value. This is true if this visual is visible and all of its parents are visible. If you want to know if a visual is visible on screen, you should check with this property and not visible property, which doesn't account for parent visibility.

@:value(1)read onlycomputedAlpha:Float = 1

Computed alpha value. This is the combination of this visual's alpha and its parent alpha if inheritAlpha is true

@:value(0)read onlycomputedDepth:Float = 0

Computed depth value. This is the final depth used by rendering, computed from this visual's depth and depthRange properties and its hierarchy of parent visuals.

@:value(null)read onlycomputedRenderTarget:RenderTexture = null

Computed render target. When a visual has a renderTarget assigned, its computedRenderTarget will be assigned with the same instance, and its children's computedRenderTarget property as well.

@:value(true)read onlycomputedTouchable:Bool = true

Computed touchable value. This is true if this visual is touchable and all of its parents are touchable.

@:value(null)read onlycomputedClip:Visual = null

If any parent of this visual has a clip visual assigned, this will be the computed/resolved visual.

@:value(null)read onlychildren:ReadOnlyArray<Visual> = null

A visual can have children. Children positions and transformations are relative to their parent. This property is read only. Use add() to add children to this visual and remove() to remove them. The order on the visuals in children should not be used to predict the order in which visuals are rendered. If you want to control the order of rendering of visuals, use depth property on the children instead.

@:value(null)read onlyparent:Visual = null

The parent visual if there is any, or null if this visual doesn't have any parent.

@:value(null)nape:VisualNapePhysics = null

Available with nape plugin

The nape physics (body) of this visual.

Defined by Entity

read onlyhasData:Bool

@:value(null)id:String = null

read onlydestroyed:Bool

read onlydisposed:Bool

@:value(null)read onlyautoruns:Array<Autorun> = null

@editablecomponents:ReadOnlyMap<String, Component>

Public components mapping. Contain components created separately with component() or macro-based components as well.


Available with script plugin


Available with script plugin

Inherited Methods

Defined by Visual


Available with arcade plugin

Init arcade physics (body) bound to this visual.



(optional) A world instance where the body will be attached. If none is provided, default world ( will be used.


inlinevelocity(velocityX:Float, velocityY:Float):Void

Available with arcade plugin

Set velocity, or rate of change of the visual position. Measured in points per second.



The velocity on x axis


The velocity on y axis

inlinemaxVelocity(maxVelocityX:Float, maxVelocityY:Float):Void

Available with arcade plugin

Set maximum velocity that the visual can reach.



The max velocity on x axis


The max velocity on y axis

inlineacceleration(accelerationX:Float, accelerationY:Float):Void

Available with arcade plugin

Set acceleration, which is the rate of change of the velocity. Measured in points per second squared.



The acceleration on x axis


The acceleration on y axis

inlinedrag(dragX:Float, dragY:Float):Void

Available with arcade plugin

Set drag, which is the rate of reduction of the velocity, kind of deceleration. Measured in points per second squared.



The drag value on x axis


The drag value on y axis

inlinebounce(bounceX:Float, bounceY:Float):Void

Available with arcade plugin

Set elasticity of the visual when colliding. 1 means full rebound, 0.5 means 50% rebound velocity.



The bounce value on x axis


The bounce value on y axis

inlineworldBounce(worldBounceX:Float, worldBounceY:Float):Void

Available with arcade plugin

The elasticity of the visual when colliding with world bounds. Ignored if useWorldBounce is false (bounceY used instead).



The elasticity value on x axis


The elasticity value on y axis

inlinemaxDelta(maxDeltaX:Float, maxDeltaY:Float):Void

Available with arcade plugin

The max delta, or rate of change the visual position. Measured in points per second.



The max delta value on x axis


The max delta value on y axis

inlinegravity(gravityX:Float, gravityY:Float):Void

Available with arcade plugin

This visual's local gravity, added to any world gravity, unless allowGravity is set to false.



The gravity on x axis


The gravity on y axis

inlinefriction(frictionX:Float, frictionY:Float):Void

Available with arcade plugin

If this visual is immovable and moving, and another visual body is 'riding' this one, this is the amount of motion the riding body receives on x & y axis.



The friction on x axis


The friction on y axis


Stop this visual, whatever that means (override in subclasses). When arcade physics are enabled, visual's body is stopped from this call.

inlineflag(index:Int, ?value:Bool):Bool

Read and write arbitrary boolean flags on this visual. Index should be between 0 (included) and 16 (excluded) or result is undefined.



The index of the flag to change, between 0 (included) and 16 (excluded)


(optional) The boolean value to set, or no value to simply read current value


The existing value if just reading, or the new value if writing

inlinesize(width:Float, height:Float):Void

Shorthand to set width and height in a single call.



The width to set to the visual


The height to set to the visual

inlineanchor(anchorX:Float, anchorY:Float):Void

Shorthand to set anchorX and anchorY in a single call.



The anchor to set to the visual on x axis


The anchor to set to the visual on y axis

inlinepos(x:Float, y:Float):Void

Shorthand to set x and y in a single call.



The x position to set to the visual


The y position to set to the visual


inlinescale(scaleX:Float, scaleY:Float):Void

Shorthand to set scaleX and scaleY in a single call.



The scale to set to the visual on x axis


(optional) The scale to set to the visual on y axis. If not provided, will use scaleX value.

inlineskew(skewX:Float, skewY:Float):Void

Shorthand to set skewX and skewY in a single call.



The skew to set to the visual on x axis


The skew to set to the visual on y axis

inlinetranslate(translateX:Float, translateY:Float):Void

Shorthand to set translateX and translateY in a single call.



The translation to set to the visual on x axis


The translation to set to the visual on y axis

anchorKeepPosition(anchorX:Float, anchorY:Float):Void

Change the visual's anchor but ensure the visual keeps its current position. This is similar to anchor(anchorX, anchorY) but visual with have its x and y properties updated to ensure it stays at the same position as before changing anchor.



The anchor to set to the visual on x axis


The anchor to set to the visual on y axis

@:value({ recursive : true })childWithId(id:String, recursive:Bool = true):Visual

Returns the first child matching the requested id or null otherwise.



The requested id


(optional) Recursive search in children


A matching visual or null


Destroy the visual. When a visual is destroyed, clear() is called, which means all children are removed and destroyed. Events owned by this visual and events on this visual are unbound so they don't need to be unbound explicitly. As soon as destroy() is called, the destroyed property becomes true.


Remove and destroy all children.

inlinehits(x:Float, y:Float):Bool

inlinehits(x:Float, y:Float, ignoreRenderTarget:Bool):Bool

Returns true if screen (x, y) screen coordinates hit/intersect this visual visible bounds



Screen x coordinate


Screen y coordinate


true if it hits

private@:dox(show)hitTest(x:Float, y:Float, matrix:Transform):Bool

The actual hit test performed on the visual. If needed to change how hit test is performed on a visual subclass, this is the method to override.



Screen x coordinate


Screen y coordinate


The matrix being applied to visual, relative to screen space


true if it hits

private@:dox(show)interceptPointerDown(hittingVisual:Visual, x:Float, y:Float, touchIndex:Int, buttonId:Int):Bool

Override this method in subclasses to intercept hitting pointer down events on this visual's children (any level in sub-hierarchy). Return true to stop an event from being triggered on the hitting child, false (default) otherwise.



The hitting visual, meaning the visual on which the event applies


The x coordinate of the event


The y coordinate of the event


The touch index of the event (or -1 if it is not a touch event)


The button id of the event (or -1 if it is not a mouse event)


true if the event is intercepted

private@:dox(show)interceptPointerOver(hittingVisual:Visual, x:Float, y:Float):Bool

Override this method in subclasses to intercept hitting pointer over events on this visual's children (any level in sub-hierarchy). Return true to stop an event from being triggered on the hitting child, false (default) otherwise.



The hitting visual, meaning the visual on which the event applies


The x coordinate of the event


The y coordinate of the event


true if the event is intercepted

@:value({ handleFilters : true })screenToVisual(x:Float, y:Float, point:Point, handleFilters:Bool = true):Void

Assign x and y to given point after converting them from screen coordinates to current visual coordinates.



The x coordinate


The y coordinate


The point in which resulting x and y coordinate are stored


(optional) Make it false if you want to skip nested filter transformations

@:value({ handleFilters : true })visualToScreen(x:Float, y:Float, point:Point, handleFilters:Bool = true):Void

Assign x and y to given point after converting them from current visual coordinates to screen coordinates.



The x coordinate


The y coordinate


The point in which resulting x and y coordinate are stored


(optional) Make it false if you want to skip nested filter transformations


Extract current visual transformation and write it into the given transform



The transform object to write data into


Compute content on this visual. This method is expected to be overrided in Visual subclasses to compute actual content (raw Visual class doesn't do anything).

@:value({ step : 1, start : 1 })autoChildrenDepth(start:Float = 1, step:Float = 1):Void

Will walk on every children and set their depths starting from start and incrementing depth by step.



The depth starting value (default 1). First child will have this depth, next child depthStart + depthStep etc...


The depth step to use when increment depth for each child


Sort children by depth in ascending order. This will simply reorder children in children array. No depth value will be changed on any child.

@:value({ step : 1, start : 1 })normalizeChildrenDepth(start:Float = 1, step:Float = 1):Void

This is the equivalent of calling sortChildrenByDepth() followed with autoChildrenDepth()



The depth starting value (default 1). First child will have this depth, next child depthStart + depthStep etc...


The depth step to use when increment depth for each child


Check if current visual has targetParent as parent visual. The parent can possibly be indirect, meaning it can be the parent of the parent of the visual etc...



The target parent to check


true if the visual has the given target parent as indirect parent


Returns the first parent (can be indirect) of this visual that matches the given class or null if none is matching



The requested class


A matching parent or null


Add the given visual as a child. When a visual is added as a child, it's parent property is updated and it will follow parent transformation in addition to its own.



The visual to add


Remove the child from current visual.



The child to remove

@:value({ recursive : false })contains(child:Visual, recursive:Bool = false):Bool

Returns true if the current visual contains this child. When recursive option is true, will return true if the current visual contains this child or one of its direct or indirect children does.



The child to check in hierarchy


(optional) Set to true to search recursively on indirect children


true if the current visual contains this child


Compute bounds from children this visual contains. This overwrites width, height, anchorX and anchorY properties accordingly. Warning: this may be an expensive operation.


Will set this visual size to native screen size. This is different than bindToScreenSize() because it will ignore logical screen scaling. Use that if you want to provide visuals that should keep the same pixel size when the window changes size and scales its content. If needed, a Transform instance will be created and assigned to transform property.

@:value({ factor : 1.0 })bindToScreenSize(factor:Float = 1.0):Void

Will set this visual size to screen size


Will set this visual size to target size (settings.targetWidth and settings.targetHeight)

initNapePhysics(type:NapePhysicsBodyType, ?space:Space, ?shape:Shape, ?shapes:Array<Shape>, ?material:Material):VisualNapePhysics

Available with nape plugin

Init nape physics body bound to this visual.



Physics body type (STATIC, KINEMATIC or DYNAMIC)


(optional) Related nape spaces. Will use default space if not provided.


(optional) Shape used for this body. Default is a box matching visual bounds.


(optional) Array of shapes used for this body.


(optional) A custom material to use with this body.


Defined by Entity


Schedules destroy, at the end of the current frame.


Remove all events handlers from this entity.

autorun(run:() ‑> Void, ?afterRun:() ‑> Void):Autorun

Creates a new Autorun instance with the given callback associated with the current entity.



The run callback


The autorun instance

tween(?easing:Easing, duration:Float, fromValue:Float, toValue:Float, update:(Float, Float) ‑> Void):Tween

component<C>(?name:String, ?component:Null<C>):C