Stores attachments by slot index and attachment name.

See SkeletonData {@link SkeletonData#defaultSkin}, Skeleton {@link Skeleton#skin}, and Runtime skins in the Spine Runtimes Guide.




@:value(new AttachmentSet())attachments:AttachmentSet = new AttachmentSet()

@:value(new Array(0))bones:Array<BoneData> = new Array(0)

@:value(new Array(0))constraints:Array<ConstraintData> = new Array(0)


setAttachment(slotIndex:Int, name:String, attachment:Attachment):Void

Adds an attachment to the skin for the specified slot index and name.


Adds all attachments, bones, and constraints from the specified skin to this skin.


Adds all bones and constraints and copies of all attachments from the specified skin to this skin. Mesh attachments are not copied, instead a new linked mesh is created. The attachment copies can be modified without affecting the originals.

getAttachment(slotIndex:Int, name:String):Attachment

Returns the attachment for the specified slot index and name, or null.

removeAttachment(slotIndex:Int, name:String):Void

Removes the attachment in the skin for the specified slot index and name, if any.


Returns all attachments in this skin.

getAttachmentsInSkinForSlot(slotIndex:Int, attachments:Array<SkinEntry>):Void

Returns all attachments in this skin for the specified slot index.


Clears all attachments, bones, and constraints.


The skin's name, which is unique across all skins in the skeleton.

attachAll(skeleton:Skeleton, oldSkin:Skin):Void

Attach each attachment in this skin if the corresponding attachment in the old skin is currently attached.