Loads skeleton data in the Spine JSON format.

JSON is human readable but the binary format is much smaller on disk and faster to load. See {@link SkeletonBinary}.

See Spine JSON format and JSON and binary data in the Spine Runtimes Guide.

Static methods

staticsetBezier(timeline:CurveTimeline, frame:Int, value:Int, bezier:Int, time1:Float, value1:Float, cx1:Float, cy1:Float, cx2:Float, cy2:Float, time2:Float, value2:Float):Void




readCurve(curve:JsonValue, timeline:CurveTimeline, bezier:Int, frame:Int, value:Int, time1:Float, time2:Float, value1:Float, value2:Float, scale:Float):Int

Inherited Variables

Defined by SkeletonLoader

@:value(1)scale:Float = 1

@:value(new Array())linkedMeshes:Array<LinkedMesh> = new Array()

Inherited Methods

Defined by SkeletonLoader


Scales bone positions, image sizes, and translations as they are loaded. This allows different size images to be used at runtime than were used in Spine.

See Scaling in the Spine Runtimes Guide.