Stores the setup pose for an {@link IkConstraint}.
See IK constraints in the Spine User Guide.
A percentage (0-1) that controls the mix between the constrained and unconstrained rotation.
For two bone IK: if the parent bone has local nonuniform scale, the child bone's local Y translation is set to 0.
For two bone IK, the target bone's distance from the maximum reach of the bones where rotation begins to slow. The bones will not straighten completely until the target is this far out of range.
For one bone IK, when true and the target is too close, the bone is scaled to reach it.
When true and the target is out of range, the parent bone is scaled to reach it.
For two bone IK: 1) the child bone's local Y translation is set to 0, 2) stretch is not applied if {@link #getSoftness()} is
0, and 3) if the parent bone has local nonuniform scale, stretch is not applied.
When true and {@link #getCompress()} or {@link #getStretch()} is used, the bone is scaled on both the X and Y axes.