enum abstract AudioSourceInstanceFlags(UInt32)
package soloud
from UInt32 to UInt32
import soloud.AudioSource
Available on clay native
inlineread onlyPROTECTED:AudioSourceInstanceFlags = 2
This audio instance is protected - won't get stopped if we run out of voices
inlineread onlyPROCESS_3D:AudioSourceInstanceFlags = 8
This audio instance is affected by 3d processing
inlineread onlyLISTENER_RELATIVE:AudioSourceInstanceFlags = 16
This audio instance has listener-relative 3d coordinates
inlineread onlyINAUDIBLE_KILL:AudioSourceInstanceFlags = 64
If inaudible, should be killed (default = don't kill kill)
inlineread onlyINAUDIBLE_TICK:AudioSourceInstanceFlags = 128
If inaudible, should still be ticked (default = pause)