An audio data object contains information about audio samples or streams, ready to be used. AudioData objects typically come from the API or, since the implemenation details of decoding audio and streams are module level implementation details. This is stored by AudioSource and AssetAudio objects for example.


inlinenew(app:Clay, options:AudioDataOptions)



Access to the snow runtime

@:value("AudioData")id:String = "AudioData"

The associated id for the data


The sample data bytes, if any (streams don't populate this)

@:value(44100)rate:Int = 44100

The sample rate in samples per second

@:value(0)length:Int = 0

The PCM length in samples

@:value(0)duration:Float = 0

The duration in seconds of the PCM buffer

@:value(1)channels:Int = 1

The number of channels for this data

@:value(16)bitsPerSample:Int = 16

The number of bits per sample for this data

@:value(UNKNOWN)format:AudioFormat = UNKNOWN

The audio format type of the sample data

@:value(false)isStream:Bool = false

Whether or not this data is a stream of samples

@:value(false)destroyed:Bool = false

Whether or not this data has been destroyed
