.. | |
Axis | |
Body | The Physics Body is linked to a single Sprite. All physics operations should be performed against the body rather than the Sprite itself. For example you can set the velocity, acceleration, bounce values etc all on the Body. @class Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Body @constructor * @param {Phaser.Sprite} sprite - The Sprite object this physics body belongs to. |
Collidable | Any class implementing this interface can be used on World.collide() |
Direction | |
Extensions | A bunch of static extensions to make life easier. |
Group | |
Line | |
Point | |
QuadTree | A QuadTree implementation. The original code was a conversion of the Java code posted to GameDevTuts. However I've tweaked it massively to add node indexing, removed lots of temp. var creation and significantly increased performance as a result. Original version at @class Phaser.QuadTree @constructor @param {number} x - The top left coordinate of the quadtree. @param {number} y - The top left coordinate of the quadtree. @param {number} width - The width of the quadtree in pixels. @param {number} height - The height of the quadtree in pixels. @param {number} [maxObjects=10] - The maximum number of objects per node. @param {number} [maxLevels=4] - The maximum number of levels to iterate to. @param {number} [level=0] - Which level is this? |
QuadTreePool | |
SortBodiesBottomTop | SortBodiesBottomTop provides a stable implementation of merge sort through its |
SortBodiesLeftRight | SortBodiesLeftRight provides a stable implementation of merge sort through its |
SortBodiesRightLeft | SortBodiesLeftRight provides a stable implementation of merge sort through its |
SortBodiesTopBottom | SortBodiesTopBottom provides a stable implementation of merge sort through its |
SortDirection | |
World | The Arcade Physics world. Contains Arcade Physics related collision, overlap and motion methods. @class Phaser.Physics.Arcade * @constructor |