

Callback object for Body type events.

This, like all other callback objects are automatically reused and you should not keep any reference to them.


Event listener for Body type events.

The events that can be caught are WAKE and SLEEP type events. Theses listeners will only operate on Bodys, not Interactors in general.


Base type for Callback event objects.

Callback objects are automatically reused and you should not keep references to them.


Enumeration of possible callback event types.


Callback Type applied to Interactors and Constraints.

Callback types are ranged over by listeners.


Haxe Iterator compatible iterator over Nape list.


Nape list of CbType type objects

Internally this list is at present implemented as a linked list with object pooled nodes and iterators with various fast paths made for standard access patterns (For instance accessing successive elements runs in constant time when using random access functions)

Iteration of this list can be done in various ways, but the preferred way on all targets, is through use of the foreach function:

list.foreach(function (obj) {
This method is inlined so that in haxe no closure will need to be created.

In AS3, a closure would need to be created in general, so for performance reasons you 'may' choose to use iteration as follows:
for (var i:int = 0; i < list.length; i++) {


Callback object for Constraint type events.

This, like all other callback objects are automatically reused and you should not keep any reference to them.


Event listener for Constraint type events.

The events that can be caught are WAKE, SLEEP and BREAK type events. Theses listeners will only operate on Constraints.


Callback object for Interaction type events.

This, like all other callback objects are automatically reused and you should not keep any reference to them.


Event listener for Interaction type events.

Interaction type events can occur between any two Interactors (whether they be Shapes, Bodys, Compounds or a mix thereof).

The events that can be caught are BEGIN, ONGOING, and END type events. Theses listeners will operate between pairs of Interactors.


Enumeration of Interaction types.


Base type for all Nape callback listeners.


Haxe Iterator compatible iterator over Nape list.


Nape list of Listener type objects

Internally this list is at present implemented as a linked list with object pooled nodes and iterators with various fast paths made for standard access patterns (For instance accessing successive elements runs in constant time when using random access functions)

Iteration of this list can be done in various ways, but the preferred way on all targets, is through use of the foreach function:

list.foreach(function (obj) {
This method is inlined so that in haxe no closure will need to be created.

In AS3, a closure would need to be created in general, so for performance reasons you 'may' choose to use iteration as follows:
for (var i:int = 0; i < list.length; i++) {


Enumeration of Listener types.


OptionType representing matching behaviour for Listeners.

An object's set of CbType's 'matches' against an OptionType iff. the OptionType's includes list intersects the object's set of CbTypes and the OptionType's excludes list 'does not' intersect the object's set of CbTypes.

option = new OptionType([A, B], [C, D]);
obj.cbTypes = [] // => does not match option.
obj.cbTypes = [A] // => matches the option
obj.cbTypes = [A, C] // => does not match option.
The optionType's includes and excludes list are managed to be always disjoint: The action of including an already excluded type serves to remove it from the excludes list, equalliy excluding an already included type serves to remove it from the includes list.
var option = new OptionType();
option.including(A); // option = {[A]:[]}
option.excluding(A); // option = {[]:[]}
option.excluding(A); // option = {[]:[A]}
option.including(A); // option = {[A]:[]}


Callback object for Pre-Interaction type events.

This, like all other callback objects are automatically reused and you should not keep any reference to them.


Enumeration of interaction states for arbiters. These values are returned by PreListener callback handlers.


Event listener for Pre-Interaction type events.

Pre-Interaction type events can occur between any two Interactors (whether they be Shapes, Bodys, Compounds or a mix thereof).