This class provides access to various base functions of system platforms. Look in the sys package for more system APIs.

Static methods


Available on clay native, unity

Prints any value to the standard output, followed by a newline. On Windows, this function outputs a CRLF newline. LF newlines are printed on all other platforms.


Returns all the arguments that were passed in the command line. This does not include the interpreter or the name of the program file.

(java)(eval) On Windows, non-ASCII Unicode arguments will not work correctly.

(cs) Non-ASCII Unicode arguments will not work correctly.


Available on clay native, unity

Suspends execution for the given length of time (in seconds).


Gets the current working directory (usually the one in which the program was started).


Changes the current working directory.

(java) This functionality is not available on Java; calling this function will throw.


Returns the type of the current system. Possible values are: - "Windows" - "Linux" - "BSD" - "Mac"


Exits the current process with the given exit code.

(macro)(eval) Being invoked in a macro or eval context (e.g. with -x or --run) immediately terminates the compilation process, which also prevents the execution of any --next sections of compilation arguments.


Available on clay native, unity

Gives the most precise timestamp value available (in seconds).


Available on unity

Returns the value of the given environment variable, or null if it doesn't exist.


Available on unity

Gives the most precise timestamp value available (in seconds), but only accounts for the actual time spent running on the CPU for the current thread/process.